At Shop Talk! we are committed to the leather industry, creating a niche community that unites raw goods and equipment/machinery manufacturers with traditional leather craftsman, boot and shoe makers, and next generation leather artisans. Join the Shop Talk! community and subscribe today!
Jet Black Carpincho
2024 Cowboy Boot Calendar
Backstitch Calf Lace
Easy To Remember Phone #212.LEATHER
Kangaroo Leather
Conrad Vance Naegle
Another Successful Expo & Auction in Ohio
54th Harness Makers Get-Together Minutes
You are invited to the 55th Harness Maker’s Get-Together
The Hide Report • The following is used with permission from, the premier source for information regarding the worldwide hide and leather markets. Please remember that this information will be a month old by the time it reaches you.
Sales Tips in a Slow Time
In Waynesville, North Carolina, Gateway to the Great Smoky Mountains • AXE & AWL LEATHERWORKS
Hawkins & Co. Leather • Acta non Verba: Actions Not Words Lead Trevor and Jessica Seiling to Success
Steadfast and Abound Leather Goods
Tooling Acanthus on a Belt
We CAN Do Hard Things • Here are a few pieces of advice to help you ride it out when you’re feeling overwhelmed and unable to make decisions or put things back into perspective during today’s complex times.