Discover the essential Nikon equipment and photography guide! There has never been a better time to be a digital photographer. The equipment available is so diverse it can be a bit overwhelming though. If you are looking to upgrade your camera or take your photography to the next level, then this manual is for you. It has been designed to introduce you to the Nikon range of compact cameras, DSLR’s, lenses and accessories, with clear, concise, no-nonsense information to help you choose what is right for you. 100% unofficial.
GEAR UP WITH NIKON • Discover Nikon cameras, lenses and accessories
Get to know your camera • A quick guide to all the major dials and buttons
The Nikon KeyMission range • Getting into the heart of the action with adventure-proof cameras
KeyMission accessories • Gear up, mount up, and get shooting
Digital compact cameras • Explore the possibilities of shooting and sharing with the Coolpix range of cameras
Nikon DX-format DSLRs • From beginners to advanced enthusiasts, Nikon have something for everyone
Nikon FX-format DSLRs • If you are looking for the ultimate in full-frame image quality and performance, then look no more
The Nikon Z series mirrorless system • A system designed to capture more detail, more colour and more light
NIKKOR DX-format lenses • Expand your creativity and choose from a wide range of DX-format lenses for your APS-C DSLR
NIKKOR FX-format lenses • Choose from the world-renowned range of full-frame FX-format lenses from one of the best optical manufacturers in the business
NIKKOR Z series lenses • Amazing sharpness and light gathering capability with the new NIKKOR Z lenses
Nikon Speedlights • A range of lighting equipment to brighten up your world
SHARPEN YOUR SKILLS • A guide to some of the core photographic techniques
Shooting modes • Choosing the best setting for the correct shooting conditions
Focusing • Getting the best out of your autofocus system
Shutter speed and camera shake • How shutter speed can make or break your photos
Aperture and depth of field • With aperture you can control how much of your picture is in focus
Focal length and zoom • Understanding how focal length works in composing shots
Exposure and metering • Accurate exposure is the key to good photography
TOP TIPS & PROJECTS • Learn more about improving your photography
NIKON CREATIVE • Guides, techniques and tips for shooting like a pro
Pet photography • Time to get our furry friends ready for their close up
neutral density grads
Assignment: Circus • Hints and tips on how to plan a styled photoshoot
wildlife at the zoo • Seeing exotic animals in the wild is beyond most of us. This is where one of Nikon’s powerful zoom lenses comes into its own at the zoo for a close up view.
The power of silhouettes • Strike the perfect balance of light and dark
Night photography • Some tips for quality night shots
Assignment: Happy Colours • Hints and tips on how to plan a styled photoshoot
Tabletop photography • Combine fun and learning with indoor photo projects
Fireworks photography • How to capture all the explosive action
the fisheye lens • A cityscape shot with a difference. Taken with a 16mm fisheye lens high above the ground looking into the scene makes for an imposing image.
Candid Photography • Tell a story with your photographs
Outdoor macro photography • Learn more about this fascinating subject
shallow depth of field • If the background of your outdoor photo is distracting, you can blur it out by using a wider aperture to create a narrow...